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One Step at a Time by Klaus Hueneke

One Step at a Time by Klaus Hueneke


Early life. Journeys on foot and ski in the high country and elsewhere. Paperback, 288 pages, 80 b&w photos

Klaus Hueneke, the author, presents his own journeys in "One Step at a Time" with genuine emotion, a compassionate view of human experiences, and an awe for the natural world that birthed humanity. From his early days in Germany and later in Orange, NSW, Klaus has always been an adventurer, traveling by bus, foot, ski, and occasionally canoe. Though he relocated several times, Canberra became his home base, allowing him to explore the snow-rich Australian Alps, the south coast of NSW, and other Australian regions. Gradually, the alpine region became both his way of life and his livelihood.


Through extensive oral interviews, thousands of photographs, and countless adventures, Klaus gathered the resources to produce books, including titles like Huts of the High Country, Kiandra to Kosciusko, Kosciusko- Where the Ice-Trees Burn, and People of the Australian High Country. This book however, documents his life story. 

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