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In the media

Below are just a few of the many articles documenting Klaus' works over the years. If you wish to contact Klaus for any media enquires, head to our Contact Page.


I’M RESTING AGAINST THE stump of a charred old snow gum as I munch a sandwich. About 100 people are gathered in small groups doing likewise. The air is brisk below an icy blue sky and tufts of snowgrass are about to burst into seed.

Written By: Klaus Hueneke

Klaus and Pati Hueneke.jpeg

Gungahlin's population has exploded in the past 25 years, from around 380 residents in 1991 to an estimated 75,250 in June 2017.

The booming satellite town is the fastest growing district of Canberra with a thriving business centre and 18 suburbs, some still under construction.

In 1995, Klaus and Patricia Hueneke were among the earliest residents of Palmerston, Gungahlin's first residential suburb on the northern outskirts of the city. Written By: Louise Maher 


Klaus Hueneke may be one of Canberra's rarest species - a successful small publisher in the digital age. After a number of career moves - environmental planner, academic, ski instructor and teacher - he set up Tabletop Press in 1984 in a spare room in his house, with the aim of publishing and promoting books on the cultural history and ecology of the Australian Alps. Written By: Rosslyn Beeby, Photo: Jay Cronan

Sandra van Sneidern, Rosemary Leonard and Abigail Curtis at Four Mile Hut in 1980.jpg

I'm badly jet-lagged, the mercury is pushing 42 degrees and the air is laced with acrid smoke. But before I go home to bed, I have to visit Klaus Hueneke, Australia's foremost authority on mountain huts.

Written by: Tim the Yowie Man


It’s mid-afternoon and as we stroll into Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve, flanking us on both sides are a large number of kangaroos. Each one is completely still and their alert eyes watch our every move. Except for the background hum of bulldozers and excavators putting the finishing touches to the nearby suburb of Bonner, it’s also quiet, unnervingly so. Photo: Tim the Yowie Man


What Klaus Hueneke doesn't know about the Australia Alps is writ small. His love affair with the rooftop of the nation began more than 60 years ago.

Ten boxes crammed with the prolific German-born author's letters, notes and diaries were archived by the National Library in 2007, and five years later he was named a Member of the Order of Australia.

Written By: John Kidman

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